Dec 4, 2010

World's "First" Ice Touchscreen Made by Nokia

Many people don't know how touch screens actually work. This is why it sounds very cool an innovative to have touch surface made from ice. The reason why I am criticizing this topic is that it could be ANY surface that has not been used yet. Does anyone remember fogscreen? Basically you can make touch screen even to air.

Touch screens are very easy to make. All you need is some kind of source like projector, some kind of surface and motion tracker. Of course there are integrated touch abilities in normal LCD-screens but those solutions are not flexible at all. With only few components touch screen can be placed almost to anywhere. As you can see from this blog these solutions can be integrated to anywhere!

First there is computer that is attached to projector. Projector displays the image to a surface. Then there are integrated touch foil or infrared tracking sensors. These devices are connected to computer. While the computer is displaying the picture it waits signal from the touch sensors or touch foil and responses giving new feedback to the display. This kind of systems turns your finger or hand to a wireless mouse.

Anyways it is good that big company like Nokia promote these new technologies that will make our lives easier and more fun.

Nov 1, 2010

FinTouch Touch Foil - innovative marketing channel

FixOn Solutions has a way to make your shop open 24/7. With interactive touch foil you can turn your shop to futuristic and stylish.

FinTouch interactive touch screen combines the terrific attention grabbing picture quality of the Rear Projection Screen Technology with an Interactive functionality that enables the target audience to respond to the screen content and interact with it. Touch screens can be turned to interactive menus, info screens or to screen with touch interface.

FinTouch interactive touch screen produces an amazingly clear picture quality, delivering Pro- Contrast digital screen images in daylight or high intensity studio lighting environments. FixOn Solutions also provides different kinds of frame designs when the foil is applied to a stand.

Sep 2, 2010

The Future of Holographic 2D/3D

Can you imagine a screen of 10 stories high and as wide as Broadway. Screens as big as building will cover skyscrapers and they will catch everyone's eye. Fabulous effects sparkling in the screen sharp as the high-tech screens today.

Here's an example what can be done now:

With holographic films you can make the same but with totally transparent solution. Covering the streets with holographic films unhooks the great potential for showing tremendous shots.

Going even further the films could be hung from hot air balloons and they could be send up in the air hundreds of metres high.

This will be the future. Using foil instead of typical solid screens is much more cost effective way in making very large-scale screens. The flexibility of film gives myriad of possibilities for advertising and media.

The way of advertising will be changed and bigger and bigger screens will be made. Today we have screens in many places. Train stations, bus stops, shopping malls etc. Soon there will be interactive solutions in every shop window.

Aug 5, 2010

Holographic Film FAQ

Holographic Films are still quite new for majority of people. This text should educate the basics of the holographic foils.


Why to use Holographic Projection Films?

With holographic films you can make much more fascinating setups than with traditional screens. The foil can be installed for example to windows. Holographic films are also 360 so the picture will show on the both sides. This way you will basically get two displays from any foil.

Also the films can be hung much easier than ordinary screens. Also the size of the screens is almost unlimited when using foil instead of solid screens.

Who are using Holographic Projection Films?

The better question would be that who are not using these solutions. Films can replace any screen and any projection surface. It has great potential for advertising, information and education. Also magical effects are easy to arrange with clear view films.

Getting started with Holographic Projection Films.

All you need is piece of film, projector and laptop to drive the media projected. In many cases you don't even need a computer because you can stick and usb-drive to projector with the wanted media and off you go.

Jul 4, 2010

Our first experience with FXS/360/C/V

Today we had an interesting day. We just got our first design of holographic clear view film ready. We had already placed some balcony window classes to our demo room that is under construction.

We cleaned the glass's surface one more time and we started to fit the foil to the glass. The cutting was done on a clean metal table but we realized that it's much more easier to first install and then cut the extra parts away if needed.

We used soap water to install the film. Actually we tried several different ways sticking it to glass and soap water was the best for clarity and also easiest way. Also there should be used tape to make the installing easier.

The film was great success! The quality was very good. High contrast and it was really transparent. We managed to record short video with cell phone also.

We were using 2000 ANSI LM projector. Our calculations estimated that 2500 ANSI LM would be optimal thinking in price per quality wise. The quality was still more than enough and the projections were awesome.

I'm very looking forward to continue with this film!

Lately we have been researching the best setups for using the film. It turned out that in conditions with a lot of light it's good to have 2500 ANSI LM projector to get satisfying projections.

Jun 25, 2010

About This Blog

This blog is dedicated to discuss everything including the activities in the market of media systems.

In this blog we are going to discuss topics such as latest holographic technologies, touch screens, stage designing and media. One purpose of this blog is also to educate people and make them more comfortable with technology transformation in the markets. We are going to discover the ways how this technology can be exploited from very basics to myriad of possibilities.

About the writer(s):
We are technology entrepreneurs with wide range of knowledge and experience. Our company includes know-how from theoretical studies to very practical ways of using technology. We started company a while ago and we have already managed to stand our ground in the global markets. This blog will also act as reference table for our projects.